Chanwut (Mick) Kittivorawong
Chanwut (Mick) Kittivorawong
We don't have it right now, but I can add more.
``` { "$schema": "", "data": { "values": [ {"x": 3, "y": "b"}, {"x": 4, "y": "b"}, {"x": 1, "y": "a"}, {"x": 2, "y": "a"}, {"x": 2, "y": "c"}, {"x": 3,...
Yes, we are working on getting Vega-Label shipped in Vega. The plan is, then, to add the feature to Vega-Lite. :)
@jsbroks May I ask you to provide us the data that you use for this spec? Or if not, could you create a small example that reproduce the problem?
I can think of 2 possible approaches to speed up label-transform in this situation. ### Caching We can cache the drawn bitmap of each mark in the `avoidMarks`. Then, we...
I wonder should we support label-transform without reactive geometry at all. This spec can achieve the same result with reactive geometry, so the position of the label does not keep...
I actually have not worked on this for quite a while. I remember that our last discussion was on designing syntax and defaults for bar and line labeling. Seems like...
Hello @mbostock Would you mind if we add typing to d3-tile?
Hello @GordonSmith . Currently, all the implemented operations for Arquero-SQL with Postgres are in
Yes, it would work by setting `anchor: ['top', 'bottom']`. Would this seem hacky?