Chandan Karmakar

Results 7 comments of Chandan Karmakar

![screen shot 2016-06-27 at 12 38 28 pm]( R.swift added to single target only, not to other one. but R.swift file not generating.

Just a request, can you make R.color.my_color directly as UIColor and others as well. And R.swift also generate from android resource xmls, merge xmls. So xml can be shared with...

Didn't find any solution. And your solution is good I think.

Its in -> generalSetup() -> a.recycle() causing the crash. Use MaterialScrollBar in xml to bypass this bug.

This worked for me without any manual override ``` import Foundation import CocoaMQTT import CocoaMQTTWebSocket struct MyMqttConfig { let clientID: String let username: String let password: String let host: String...

No, but you can try Overriding the default value in your custom LTMorphingLabel class (not tested).