### BC Break Report | Q | A |------------ | ------ | BC Break | yes | Version | 1.19.0 #### Summary Updating an existing project from Symfony 4.4 to...
Fix to this deprecated message : Using "knp_paginator.subscriber" tag is deprecated, use "kernel.event_subscriber" instead Please have a look at this :
Hi, I'am a beginner, I'm using ES 6.1.1 When I run populate command the progress bar stops at 75% : ``` root@ce30fac77888/app# php bin/console fos:elastica:populate Resetting ndx_etablissement 12763/16797 [=====================>------] 75%...
Hi, ` volumes: ` ` - "/folder_on_disk/passwd:/etc/pure-ftpd/passwd"` The folder_on_disk folder is created with root user, so if I try de build again I have permission issues ! How can I...
Hi, I'd like to use images stored in another server, how can I do this ? Regards