Thanks! Actually I am not running it on Windows but trying run(porting) this tool on IBMi(also know as OS400) on Power arch.
The output is "os400", as I said in #1748, I am trying the tool on IBMi(also known as OS400). Most of the folder can be scanned unless I meet this...
@[terriko](, Thanks for the so detailed explanation. If you see my recent opened issues, I am moving forward to let this cve-bin-tool support OS400 platform. I met a few issues,...
For you information, I just add a try except on my local file to workaround this issue. `try: output = subprocess.check_output(["file", filename]).decode( sys.stdout.encoding ) except: self.logger.warning(f"Failure decoding {filename}") output =...
There's a operation choices: ['create', '**change**', 'delete', 'display', 'display_group_members'], I think in this case, would it be 'change'. From implementation perspective, IBMi use different command to perform the CREATE and...
Do you mean upload a certificate file to an IFS directory? I think both Ansible Core itself and IBMi collection have modules to support that. If you mean upload certificate...
ansible module calls the iconv command underneath to convert a specific CCSID file to UTF-8 so python can read. I think you can test the iconv command directly in QSH...
Could you please tell me the recreate steps so I can debug it on my system?
Then Ansible for IBM i SQL query related module put the result into a dict of python object. I don't think now it has the ability to directly generate an...
Thanks for testing this, I will fix it. Thanks!