Hi Brian, I would like to create a new profile with 21000 frequency. Is it possible to create that? if yes, can you please guide me the steps to do...
Hi Brian, I can able to transfer data using Quiet framework in iOS. But consistently app is crashing in iOS due to below error message. I think this is related...
Hi Brian, I am developing iOS native app for sending data between android and iOS devices using Quite framework. I can able to send/receive successfully. If the app is in...
Hi @justadudewhohacks, I noticed `faceapi.detectAllFaces(image).withFaceLandmarks().withFaceDescriptors()` method is taking 6.5s to complete. and in issue #516 it specified that in GPU machine this execution time will improve. I am using GeoForce...
Hi @justadudewhohacks, I would like to know how these models are generated? I understand that face.api supports dlib for face recognition. Is there any relation between these models and dlib...
I can able to build successfully. But while launching app got crashed and below is the stack track. Please help me to resolve this error. **iOS version: 12.1.3** **Device: iPhone...