Chamoda Pandithage
Chamoda Pandithage
Latest `thomasweise/texlive` returns following errors ``` Welcome to the TeX Live docker container thomasweise/texlive. GitHub : DockerHub: The command 'make' with arguments '' was specified. Now executing this... For better pwa support
Thanks for the great library. It it possible to select multiple images at once or/and take multiple images?
Automatic tmux start and automatic restore does not work in OSX Here's the .tmux.conf ``` unbind C-b set-option -g prefix C-a bind C-a send-prefix set -g mouse-utf8 on set -g...
Thanks for the library. I'm looking for a feature to generate protocol methods?
I've run into some issues because this version of opencv using android camera api v1. But it has quality issues in new devices. New version of opencv has classes for...
Recently I upgraded from 7.2 to 7.3 and the plugin stop working. I can see the plugin manager but not plugin menu in the main menu. Does anyone experience the...
`from pylogic import logic` works now.
Thanks for this app. I've noticed that decimal fractional values get rounded into integers and this makes some reports inaccurate. Here's the steps to recreate. 1. Create an item with...