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Real-time envrionment reconstruction based on ORB_SLAM2 with XTION (RGBD sensor)


Real-time envrionment reconstruction based on ORB_SLAM2 with XTION (RGBD sensor)


This is a modified version based on ORB_SLAM2 and ORBSLAM2_with_pointcloud_map , thanks for Raul's and Gao's great work! This works with XTION whicn privide us the rgb image and depth image and reconstruct the around environment by the trajectory of sensors. You can visualize the environment by point cloud map during the SLAM process.

How to install

Unzip the file orb_slam_rgbd.zip, you will find two directories. First compile the modified g2o:

  cd g2o_with_orbslam2
  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake ..

If you have some problems, follow the instructions from the original g2o library

Then compile the ORB_SLAM2. You need firstly to compile the DBoW2 in ORB_SLAM2_modified/Thirdpary, and then the Pangolin module. Finally, build ORB_SLAM2:

  cd ORB_SLAM2_modified
  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake ..

Due to the limited size, the vocabulary file is not contained in the zip file. Please download that .txt file from ORB_SLAM2_Vocabulary and put it in Vocabulary/.

Run examples

Then you can run the examples. In the Examples/RGB-D, rgbd_tum deals with the datasets of TUM (desk.png room.png), rgbd_cc deals with the datasets of your own, rgbd_xtion_cc runs with XTION and reconstruct the environment in real-time (orb_rgbd_slam.png lab_1-3.png). To run rgbd_xtion_cc, you can try under ORB_SLAM2_modified/:

  ./Examples/RGB-D/rgbd_xtion_cc Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt ./Examples/RGB-D/xtion.yaml

You can get the intrinsic parameters of your xtion by ROS/OPENCV/MATLAB calibration.


  1. If you use kinectv1, just change the driver for kinect and this project could work.
  2. If you use kinectv2, maybe you need to change the driver and code to get data from sensors.
  3. If you have some problems about g2o when compiling the orb_slam2, it must be the problem that orb_slam2 finds a wrong version of g2o. Change the CMakeLists.txt and add absolute path for g2o which is the g2o_with_orbslam2 you just compiled.