
Results 23 issues of mrchainhead

@jeremydaly great project! Do you have some benchmark reports that show a before-and-after comparison?

help wanted

## Long story short `create_namespaced_pod` fails with message `ValueError: Missing the required parameter namespace when calling create_namespaced_pod` ## Description The controller code - ``. ```python @kopf.on.create('', 'v1', 'demo') def create_fn(meta,...


# Requirement Let the JSON body parser package raise an error if the payload is empty. This middleware maybe added for certain `POST` or `PUT` requests. ## Solution Check for...

needs tests
needs docs

Many thanks for publishing the finstr package! While I was able to get this package working for XBRL documents filed with SEC, I am running into a strange error when...

It seems most examples are focused on `Pod` definitions only. 1. What is the expected behavior if that `Pod` were to auto-scale? 2. Can CNI definitions be added to `Deployment`...

I am trying to build this project with `make` and `DOCKER_ARCHS` set as `amd64` in environment variable. This is the error I am seeing. ```bash make >> checking code style...

I am keen to know, if it is ok to bundle amcharts with other UI elements (from other providers) into a commercial Angular application that will be either hosted on...


I am trying to connect to Watson IoT platform via MQTT TLS. There is no client side authentication. The board requires that the certificates be flashed in .der format. The...

I have a simple `nginx.conf` at the root of my `git` repository. I want to launch Nginx in a pod with this command: `oc new-app` The build and deployment...

What is the correct way to handle error while connecting or otherwise? I am running the code below against a un-started Redis on `localhost`. ``` const redisPool = require('redis-connection-pool') let...