Chahan M. Kropf
Chahan M. Kropf
Thanks, with python 3.8.5 it worked!
Are you using Windows? I found that there is an issue with using 'mkdir -p'. For windows it should be 'mkdir' only. This might cause your error and could be...
Is there still anyone active on this repository?
Thanks for the reply! That is what we figured out. We tested the package quite a bit also on Windows and found that: - make can be installed with conda...
Thanks for the idea. However, I do not think this would quickly fix the problem (if it is done at all).
Thanks! The method to convert to dataframes is indeed quite useful. Unfortunately, I based my embedding of SAlib into CLIMADA on the dictionaries so far. I might change it in...
To give a bit more context: one of the reasons that I used the dictionary is that it is easy to differentiate between first and second order indices by checking...
I would like to avoid any hard-coded variable names. This is an effort to keep compatibility with potential future methods in SAlib with minimal effort. As long a the structure...
> > I would like to avoid any hard-coded variable names > > I differentiate between first order and second order indices by looking whether the array is 1D or...
One suggestion about the pandas DataFrame output for the higher-order sensitivity indices: instead of using a single index with a longer string `"(x1, x2)"`, it would be convenient to use...