이채준 - CJ Lee

Results 20 comments of 이채준 - CJ Lee

If that's the case, can you roll back the version of vite to where your problem doesn't appear and provide that build result? At this point, I can't tell what's...

I think your issue has more to do with this PR #14643. Not super sure but it looks like SVGs are inlined as default. As mentioned in my PR, you...

A lot of people seem to encounter this svg inlining problem. I've already came across 3 people out in the wild who got helped by the "double-quote" solution. Until there...

I am kind of curious. Should it be `/my/file.js?wow&type=classic&worker_file`? And it looks like the search params are being intentionally deleted to make it safe. If we were to bring the...

@sapphi-red it looks like the circular dependency should not error. https://github.com/vitejs/vite/blob/8b174fdcc798092c5002d586e4f25cb2a6f8768a/playground/ssr/__tests__/ssr.spec.ts#L7 Do you have any clue why this particular case throws error? I would like to work on this issue....

As far as I can see, `ssrImport` is used as `__vite_ssr_import__(source)` during ssr. https://github.com/vitejs/vite/blob/6cb397fd2de29a57ba67962b7865ff310aed4d70/packages/vite/src/node/ssr/ssrModuleLoader.ts#L145 https://github.com/vitejs/vite/blob/6cb397fd2de29a57ba67962b7865ff310aed4d70/packages/vite/src/node/ssr/ssrTransform.ts#L108 In the case of this issue, `source` (in this case `src/lib/core/game.ts`) has a circular dependency....

radix-ui에서도 본 이슈와 비슷한 주제로 논의가 오가고 있는 것이 확인됩니다(https://github.com/radix-ui/primitives/issues/602). radix-ui에서는 `primitive` 간 `data-state`의 conflict를 어떻게 해결할지 확정하지 못한 것으로 확인됩니다 (https://github.com/radix-ui/primitives/issues/602#issuecomment-1560133746). 언급하신 경우에는 asChild의 `data-state` props를 최하위 component의 것으로...

`asChild`가 정의된 컴포넌트 바로 아래에 `display: inline` 속성을 가진 태그(``) 또는 `React.Fragment`를 추가하면 어느 정도 문제가 해결되는 것 같습니다. - `display: inline` 속성을 가진 태그를 사용하게 되면 원래 의도와 다른...

안녕하세요! 해당 이슈에 작업을 하고 싶습니다. 혹시 `direction: horizontal` 일 때 `flex-wrap: nowrap`이 되는 것이 맞을까요? 그리고 Radio / Checkbox 의 그룹으로 사용되는 케이스의 `direction`과 `flow`가 어떻게 되는 것일까요? 보이기에는...

I think going over the `` is necessary. Can you post the screenshot of it?