Chad Joan
Chad Joan
I just experienced this with the "Hello World!" example. This time I'm playing with Vibe.d on FreeBSD (12.1). I'm pretty sure I ran into it many months ago as well,...
I... totally agree and also really like good error messages. I hope I didn't distract from that. I just wanted to provide an easy (I hope) solution for an adoption...
I tried. The error mentioning missing licenses is gone now. But... The Travis script is now producing AAPT errors about the " inner element", which should have already been fixed...
Good idea. I'll try that when I get back to working on this. I didn't know about that view in github. That's pretty handy.
Update: I'm having issues getting aauto-sdk to build as a submodule. I made a Stack Overflow question in the hopes that someone more experienced with Gradle can help:
Using Ruby for this still seems very odd to me. When I want to do D programming I want to use D, not Ruby. Even if it's slightly suboptimal, I'd...
Cool! Honestly, the D code doesn't look that bad to me. Of course, I will happily use any procedural language as a declarative language when duty calls. It's just a...
Why is eval needed? I'll admit it can be handy, but there are many compiled languages that get by alright without it. D can at least do the same thing...