Chad Johnson

Results 12 comments of Chad Johnson

I am also experiencing this issue.

> I believe you have to add the following class on your View's root element : `react-images__view` This does not work with the following: ```jsx import React from 'react'; import...

Hi! I tried the following, but the resulting file is still in sRGB (the input image is in CMYK): ```javascript return sharp('./input.tif') .resize(18000, 26046, {fit: 'fill'}) .toColourspace('CMYK') .withMetadata({profile: './USWebCoatedSWOP.icc'}) .toFile('./output.tif')...

I am still a bit confused why support for CMYK is lacking with Sharp when it is available with vips. For example, I can convert a CMYK TIFF image to...

This worked for me: ```javascript const client = elasticsearch.Client({ hosts: process.env.ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS, connectionClass: require('http-aws-es'), amazonES: { accessKey: process.env.S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID, secretKey: process.env.S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }, awsConfig: new AWS.Config({region: process.env.ELASTICSEARCH_REGION}) }); ```

This would be a key, useful feature.

I vote for `bufferutil` and `utf-8-validate` being added as dependencies of `angular-websocket`. Is there a reason the author didn't do this?


@JKillian Thank you. I wonder if there also is a way to disable the focus trap to enable interaction with the modal without trapping focus.

An overlay on top prevents focus from ever entering the dialogue via click events. Keyboard tabbing into the modal may still cause focus to be trapped...I haven’t tested that.