It would be nice to have the option to store the messages in text files under each server, channel, YYYY-MM-DD directory instead of just the database.
``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "Discord/Client.py", line 43, in GetData raise Exception() Exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "Discord/Discord.py", line 261, in GrabData raise Exception(f'Unable to grab...
Hey all, I'm using the arm image "webhippie/mongodb:latest" and I get the following error, any idea how to troubleshoot and solve this? ``` $ docker service logs -f walkoff_core_api Traceback...
That's a very interesting project Christophe! Could somebody import those json templates to Kibana 4 too? If yes, could you possibly explain how and update the readme file?
PCAP not captured, log not written, telnet input not visible on client's side.