
Results 6 comments of ch3n

同样的问题,系统为arch linux,正常启动后点击AntSword->Quit无法退出,点击Window->Close Window无法退出。不知道需要提供哪些debug信息。

I have the same problem when using tmux with kitty under hyprland, here is my configuration ``` set -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm*:Tc" set-option -g status-interval 5 set-option -g automatic-rename on set-option...

@life5ign yes! I found the problem disappears when I switch to another terminal emulators like alacritty and foot. BTW, I noticed that the clipboard problem happened when I copy text...

@life5ign I think the issue should be under kitty topic.

@SpiritCroc May I ask how to get `window.type` in sway? as when I use `i3ipc.Con#type()`, it just give me a useless string "con".

My bad, I always use tabbed mode in scratchpad, the tabbed window is `con` while its parent node is `floating_con`