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Read and write ImageJ ROI format

Read and write ImageJ ROI format

Roifile is a Python library to read, write, create, and plot ImageJ_ ROIs, an undocumented and ImageJ application specific format to store regions of interest, geometric shapes, paths, text, and whatnot for image overlays.

.. _ImageJ:

:Author: Christoph Gohlke <>_ :License: BSD 3-Clause :Version: 2024.3.20 :DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6941603 <>_


Install the roifile package and all dependencies from the Python Package Index <>_::

python -m pip install -U "roifile[all]"

View overlays stored in a ROI, ZIP, or TIFF file::

python -m roifile file.roi

See Examples_ for using the programming interface.

Source code, examples, and support are available on GitHub <>_.


This revision was tested with the following requirements and dependencies (other versions may work):

  • CPython <>_ 3.9.13, 3.10.11, 3.11.8, 3.12.2
  • Numpy <>_ 1.26.4
  • Tifffile <>_ 2024.2.12 (optional)
  • Matplotlib <>_ 3.8.3 (optional)



  • Fix writing generator of ROIs (#9).


  • Support text rotation.
  • Improve text rendering.
  • Avoid array copies.
  • Limit size read from files.


  • Fix linting issues.
  • Add py.typed marker.


  • Improve object repr and type hints.
  • Drop support for Python 3.8 and numpy < 1.21 (NEP29).


  • Delay import of zipfile.
  • Verify shape of coordinates on write.


  • Fix integer coordinates to -5000..60536 conforming with ImageJ (breaking).
  • Add subpixel_coordinates in frompoints for out-of-range integer coordinates.


Refer to the CHANGES file for older revisions.


The ImageJ ROI format cannot store integer coordinate values outside the range of -5000..60536.

Refer to the ImageJ <>_ source code for a reference implementation.

Other Python packages handling ImageJ ROIs:

  • ijpython_roi <>_
  • read-roi <>_
  • napari_jroitools <>_


Create a new ImagejRoi instance from an array of x, y coordinates:

roi = ImagejRoi.frompoints([[1.1, 2.2], [3.3, 4.4], [5.5, 6.6]]) roi.roitype = ROI_TYPE.POINT roi.options |= ROI_OPTIONS.SHOW_LABELS

Export the instance to an ImageJ ROI formatted byte string or file:

out = roi.tobytes() out[:4] b'Iout' roi.tofile('_test.roi')

Read the ImageJ ROI from the file and verify the content:

roi2 = ImagejRoi.fromfile('_test.roi') roi2 == roi True roi.roitype == ROI_TYPE.POINT True roi.subpixelresolution True roi.coordinates() array([[1.1, 2.2], [3.3, 4.4], [5.5, 6.6]], dtype=float32) roi.left,, roi.right, roi.bottom (1, 2, 7, 8)

Plot the ROI using matplotlib:


View the overlays stored in a ROI, ZIP, or TIFF file from a command line::

python -m roifile _test.roi