Daniel Limberger
Daniel Limberger
multiple debug level / verbosity
its too slow for now 🥲 - probably going to optimize at some point. We will keep the branch though! Thanks a lot.
As far as I understand SDFs, it should neither result in better performance nor quality ... (even added memory overhead). Only for plain bitmap based glyphs mip mapping could be...
hmm. Ok. It's not hard to test. Lets test this when rendering in one of the use cases works and decide based on the results.
I disabled RTCc for all our projects (libzeug only in update_duktape branch) for now. If the problem resides in duktape i suggest to report an issue or fix it right...
advanced (nice to have): * index-based triangle-strip implementation please: refer to Lindstrom and Valerio, _Terrain Simplification Simplified: A General Framework for View-Dependent Out-of-Core Visualization_ https://www.computer.org/csdl/journal/tg/2002/03/v0239/13rRUxBrGgM 
Yes this is intended. But we probably should add this, as you suggested, by introducing `LabelAnchor`.
perhaps we should enable [`OES_texture_float_linear`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/OES_texture_float_linear) in such cases, e.g., when rendering shadow maps
this is well suited for the `wizard.ts` ...