The config dialogue is too small to display the content. The result is that I cannot see all of the text and probably can't access all of the check boxes...
Confirmation of bug by [Sašo Živanović]( at > I can confirm this is a bug: packing a node only works when `s=0` for the first child. I'll investigate when...
The following code produces a node with a black border, whereas one would intuitively expect a red one. ``` \documentclass[margin=5pt]{standalone} \usepackage{forest} \forestset{% egstyle/.style={% postaction={draw=red}, }, } \begin{document} \begin{forest} [A, egstyle]...
Ref.: (but the question describes multiple luaotfload-tool bugs) ```lang-bash luaotfload | diagnose : =============== file permissions ============== luaotfload | diagnose : Checking permissions of /home/username/.texlive2024/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/. luaotfload | diagnose :...
Ref.: (but the question describes multiple luaotfload-tool bugs) and [Max Chernoff's comment.]( ```lang-bash $ luaotfload-tool --diagnose=files luaotfload | diagnose : ================ verify files ================= luaotfload | diagnose : Luaotfload...
Please excuse me if I've misunderstood how this is meant to work. As I understand it, `url` and/or `urlfrom` are localisable strings which are used to label URLs in e.g....
I'm not sure if this is a bug. Maybe it is a request for clearer reporting. If I run `l3build check` with a test file which fails to define any...
This is not an issue in the usual sense. I just wondered if you had any thoughts about how trees should or might be tagged. At least for logic, tagging...
Copy of [TeX SE question]( so it (hopefully) doesn't get lost (lazy): I would like to understand what causes the following behaviour in `forest`. MWE [Note that most of the...
## Brief outline of the bug `ltmarks-doc.pdf` page 9 includes the following in the description of `\__mark_get_marks_for_reinsertion:nNN`: > This is, for example, used by `multicol` when a short balanced `multicols`...