Results 18 comments of Cezary Kluczyński

I was doing Angular2 hello world and stumbled upon this problem too, when trying to concatenate all required dependencies into one files. My solution was to wrap content of every...

I have pretty much the same error for Windows 8, ICU 4.2, Ruby 1.9.3, and charlock_holmes 0.7.3.

Hi, Richard. Thanks for taking time investigating this. When I was writing this, swagger-codegen was especially troublesome around definitions paths. I remember different styles of $refs worked in different versions,...

Eventually HTTPS will be supported, but not until is moved to Docker and AWS, and I can't really give any timeline for that. A workaround I can offer is...

Hello, Matt. Thanks for reaching out. I'm happy that STAPI found another application. I cannot offer any feedback on the code level, because R is a mystery to me, but...

I'll be sure to look at your data and see what could be integrated into STAPI (and I'll be checking in the future as well). Athough I'm not sure if...

Timelines are great, but I'm afraid Memory Beta does not have that much data systematized. When I was writing code to parse Memory Alpha content, [sidebar templates]( were a primary...

That's sound really interesting. I'm looking forward to learning about the final results!

The data looks good. Actually I think that number of chapters, number of words, and number of characters is something that could easily go into STAPI. Not sure about the...

Doesn't seems that they change structure a lot, not the structure of the structured data anyway. Many articles are old enough and big enough that the way their paragraphs are...