Cesar Martinez

Results 4 issues of Cesar Martinez

Is it posible to change the transition animation style (e.g. bounceUp, bounceDown, zoomIn, fadeIn)??

can this controller be customized to select only day month and year just like a regular uidatepicker? another question are yoou able just to see the years only?

Getting this error @loganwright, @little2s haven't figure out the why on this! > Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'NSLayoutConstraint for : Constraint items must each be a...

``` $graph = new Graph(); $b1 = new Vertex('1'); $b2 = new Vertex('2'); $b3 = new Vertex('3'); $b4 = new Vertex('4'); $b5 = new Vertex('5'); $b6 = new Vertex('6'); $b1->connect($b2,...