Cesar Augusto Dias
Cesar Augusto Dias
There's already a parameter for that, it's called `MarketDepth`, and according to [fix protocol](https://www.onixs.biz/fix-dictionary/4.2/tagNum_264.html), you should pass 0 to get the full orderbook or pass the quantity that you wish....
Preciso de mais informações, quais tipos de problema exatamente?
Yes. I did it, but the editor is on the web, I picked up all audio files from the movies and Arnold will narrate each line. check this out, @lhartikk...
Yes, it's a fork from the original sails blueprints, which there's a lot of dead code as well (https://github.com/balderdashy/sails/blob/master/lib/hooks/blueprints/jsonp.js) fell free to remove it. About pubsub, i haven't tested it...
That's weird, i've tried to work without this sails-hook with [express-sequelize](https://github.com/sequelize/express-example) example, and it seems `afterUpdate` and `afterDestroy` is not working properly, but `afterCreate` and `beforeCreate` works, and also works...
It's seems a configuration issue, did you installed the dependencies correctly?
Did you disable the ORM on `.sailrc` file? ``` "hooks": { "blueprints": false, "orm": false, "pubsub": false } ``` it's still looks a configuration issue or reference error, you sure...
can you post your models? i can't reproduce it.