Cesar Dias

Results 78 comments of Cesar Dias

Hi, A question, you're talking about the url populate option `https://localhost:1337/MyMainModel?populate=[MyModel]` or on javascript query itself?

This hooks is actually a complete fork from the original sails blueprints, which only allows only two levels deep, so, i don't think it's actually a `problem`, its just sails...

Yes, you're right, it's actually a waterline limitation, Even though where param can be quite ugly, you can pass conditions as follows `/city?name=Buenos Aires`, which is less verbose, but it...

I did a interesting progress on it. @L-Jovi Is your problem on stackoverflow related to BalloonMarker directly? I think support BallonMarker at this stage would be a good way to...

Cool, i'll send soon.

Interesting, it's related to the waterline / sequelize notation or something with this hook? i haven't tested with the `where` criteria object, only with `http://localhost:1337/user?name=value&age=21`, thanks for the feedback.

Thanks for the feedback, This hook uses the alias to match the association, you should specify the alias `as` for the foreign key. Take a look at this samples https://github.com/cesardeazevedo/sails-hook-sequelize-blueprints/blob/master/test/fixtures/sampleapp/api/models/image.js#L15-L22...

It's seems there's other error causing this. this hook doesn't loads the sequelize actually, https://github.com/festo/sails-hook-sequelize does it there's something wrong with `daySequence` column, have you force the sequelize syncronization at...