Matthew DeMaere
Matthew DeMaere
Thanks. I should have seen that. On Sun, 19 Apr 2020 at 1:25 am, brobr wrote: > I do not know anything about jellyfish, but looking at the above outputs;...
I found that prctl could be used in Linux to enable clean-up of children when their parent process dies, but I later learned that this system function is not available...
Just to add some detail -- though I expect you're on top of it -- I am seeing this for genes that are all coming from PFAM. I can see...
I'll add that 1. I've attempted to notify the journal, but OUP's enquiry submission isn't working. 2. I can successfully DL supp data from other articles at Oxford Bioinformatics.
Thanks a lot for responding so quickly. I just did a little bit of testing over at OUP, and I see that at least two articles in the issue are...
Hi @ruoyu1123 , sorry for taking so long to reply! `--tip-size` pertains to a downstream operation that was removed from bin3C and should probably be removed from the UI at...
To install successfull, users must update Pip to a new version. Versions later than v10 definitely have support -- I cannot find the exact point within v9 lifecycle that this...
Hi Orctyr, although I have seen large clusters myself, they've been on the order of a few times the expected size of a bacterial genome, rather than 100s of times....
Thanks @orctyr. None of that log stands out to me as problematic. ### Switching to a development branch I have overlooked that the bin3C master branch has fallen quite far...
Yes, sorry. In reality, both bin3C and qc3C expect a name sorted BAM file. I think the older release (master branch) of bin3C may not make an explicit check for...