Andrija Ćeranić
Andrija Ćeranić
@amp9020 No, I was thinking more like multiple languages at the same time
@sonufrienko Yes, I understand that. The thing is that I would like that feature available really soon so I was thinking in doing some of it, at least some core...
@sonufrienko Thanks a lot. That is great help. I'll try to make some basic functionality this weekend and if you have some additional hints and advice, please let me know.
@sonufrienko I have trouble finding the right way to pass 'Accept-Language' header to server api. Can you point me in the right direction? I would like to read Headers when...
@sonufrienko Thanks a lot. But it's hopeless :( I still cannot figure out how to get user language to CezeringClient. I can read Local storage in browser but since it's...
@sonufrienko Can you give me more info on number 1. above. Some example, pseudo code?
@sonufrienko DB schema and server methods for getting right language are working. But only when I literraly type language header in `getConfig` method of `apiClient`. I don't understand how can...
@sonufrienko Great, thanks, done that. I can call `setLocale` from `src/store/client/api`, but how can I pass user language from client to `src/api/server/ajaxRouter.js` or `src/store/server/api.js`? I don't know how to pass...
@sonufrienko Ok, so on `ajaxRouter.js` (`src/api/server/ajaxRouter.js`, right?), when I get lang header it gets passed back to CezerinClient and there, in the `list(filter)` method, for example, I have to pass...
@sonufrienko I managed to make it work. It's only for product names for now but it's a start :) Here is what I did: ### On CezerinClient - added language...