Dominik Stadler
Dominik Stadler
A small tool which uses the CommonCrawl URL Index to download documents with certain file types or mime-types. This is used for mass-testing of frameworks like Apache POI and Apache Tika
A sample project that shows how Apache POI can be used in an Android application
Provides examples and code snippets for the JGit Java Git implementation
A simple app-indicator for GNOME desktops to display the battery charge of some wireless headsets which also allows to control some functions like LEDs, sidetone and others.
Script to automate the setup of ssh-public/private-key authentication to avoid some common pitfalls
Create and publish a list of available ActionIDs for the IntelliJ plugin system by recursively searching through the jar-files and producing HTML via Jekyll
JGitFS provides access to Git branches/tags/commits like they are separate directories via a Linux FUSE userland filesystem
Small application which allows to repeatedely replace markers in a Microsoft Word document with items taken from a CSV/Microsoft Excel file to provide a simple mail-merge functionality