Céline Morin
Céline Morin
**Description (for Contributor and Core Developer)** We want to be able to create or update a product with its uuid **Definition Of Done (for Core Developer only)** - [ ]...
**Description (for Contributor and Core Developer)** Add: - Associate, Dissociate and Replace products using uuids - Association, Dissociate, and Replace quantified products using uuids Update: - Associations related user intents...
**Description (for Contributor and Core Developer)** Add `uuid` column to the product exports Result expected on export:  Now normalized product has the `uuid` property **Definition Of...
**Description (for Contributor and Core Developer)** Backport of this PR: https://github.com/akeneo/pim-community-dev/pull/17298 **Definition Of Done (for Core Developer only)** - [ ] Tests - [ ] Migration & Installer - [...
…change after family variant is changed in import **Description (for Contributor and Core Developer)** [Backport] of this PR: https://github.com/akeneo/pim-community-dev/pull/17147 **Definition Of Done (for Core Developer only)** - [ ] Tests...
**Description (for Contributor and Core Developer)** Add user intents to handle uuids for quantified associations **Definition Of Done (for Core Developer only)** - [ ] Tests - [ ] Migration...
**Description (for Contributor and Core Developer)** **Definition Of Done (for Core Developer only)** - [ ] Tests - [ ] Migration & Installer - [ ] PM Validation (Story) -...
**Description (for Contributor and Core Developer)** Be able to have a family without sku **Definition Of Done (for Core Developer only)** - [ ] Tests - [ ] Migration &...
**Description (for Contributor and Core Developer)** Logs were not well formed in datadog due to a an error while converting params passed in dbal connection. The first solution is to...
**Description (for Contributor and Core Developer)** When value from identifierCode was not a string, an error 500 was thrown. Now we throw 2.. type error **Definition Of Done (for Core...