Celso França

Results 44 issues of Celso França

It would be great if you also provide the [AppoxMRR](https://www.tensorflow.org/ranking/api_docs/python/tfr/keras/losses/ApproxMRRLoss) loss.

### Bub description Training and logging run fine; however, at the end of the process, the wandb outputs the error message below. ```python wandb: Waiting for W&B process to finish......


The SpanNER [ExplainaBoard](http://explainaboard.nlpedia.ai/leaderboard/task-ner/index.php) is not available.

### Problem description `pip list` doesn't show apex after `successfully installed apex`. env: - Python: 3.9 - nvcc: Build cuda_11.6.r11.6/compiler.31057947_0

The best and unique c++ lib to work with search engine: https://www.chilkatsoft.com/chilkatlinux.asp I really would like to have this library in Conan Package Manager. Thank you.

Hello, Is there an approach to measure the accuracy by TAG? Thanks.


Would you mind suggesting a good prompt for text summarization using BLOOM? For instance, using GPT-3, it is something shown below: **Prompt:** > A neutron star is the collapsed core...

Hello? Could you provide (at a high level) the time complexity of AttentionXML for training and predicting? You can use $C_L$ for the BiLSTM forward pass cost and abstract other...

First of all, thank you for this excellent library. **Describe the bug** ```python Building TDF matrix: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████| 13905/13905 [00:34

Each request is taking about 7 seconds. Is this expected?