Celso França

Results 44 issues of Celso França

I am using the Sagemaker [Pytorch Estimator][1] based on a custom docker image stored in AWS ECR. ```python from sagemaker.pytorch.estimator import PyTorch role = "arn:..." estimator = PyTorch( image_uri="1...ecr...amazonaws.com/...:prototype", git_config={"repo":...

Is there an approach to replace emoticons/emojis with correspondent words?

Starting a Sagemaker [Pytorch Estimator][1] based on a custom docker image stored in AWS ECR ```python from sagemaker.pytorch.estimator import PyTorch role = "arn:..." estimator = PyTorch( image_uri="1...ecr...amazonaws.com/...:prototype", git_config={"repo": "https://github.com/celsofranssa/LightningPrototype.git", "branch":...


Since metric learning is very useful for ranking tasks, I'd like to suggest including the [ApproxNDCGLoss](https://www.tensorflow.org/ranking/api_docs/python/tfr/keras/losses/ApproxNDCGLoss) and other ranking losses such as [L2R losses](https://pytorchltr.readthedocs.io/en/stable/loss.html) using the PML approach.

new algorithm request

Hello? Could you provide (at a high level) the time complexity of AttentionXML for training and predicting? You can use $C_L$ for the BiLSTM forward pass cost and abstract other...

Is it possible to add User-Defined Metrics?

Hello, I was unsure how to configure the emotion recognition downstream to use HuBERT.

What are the minimum requirements regarding RAM and GPU memories for performing only inferences over the [Bloom](https://huggingface.co/bigscience/bloom) model?

I am extracting keywords from 2.5 million sentences, iterating through the list of sentences. However, this approach is only using 8% of the GPU. Is there a batched-based keyword extraction...

Hello, Can you pass a keyphrase as a query? For instance, assuming a sentence and its n-grams, which n-grams are more similar to the sentence concerning the query keyphrase?