Charles Dubout

Results 3 comments of Charles Dubout

Hello, I recompiled lqt and lua with the flag -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug and run gdb on the tests virt_test.lua, t1.lua, and t1.lua where I added collectgarbage'stop' at the beginning. Here are the...

Ok here it is for the version from (dynamically linking to the embedded Lua): MacBook-Pro:lib cdubout$ otool -L libqtcore.dylib libqtcore.dylib: /Users/cdubout/Desktop/tmp/lqt/build/lib/libqtcore.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0) /opt/local/lib/libQtOpenGL.4.dylib (compatibility...

Yes as I already observed dynamically linking to Lua seems to solve the problem. How can I specify to cmake that I want to dynamically link to another Lua? On...