Christoph Ruegg
Christoph Ruegg
From: > nested tight loops, we can remove index calculation based on the outer loop.
Math.NET Numerics should leverage diagonal matrices and provide the trivial decompositions directly.
Integrate excellent contribution by @wo80 via
We currently apply `TargetedPatchingOptOut` attributes in a few places to mark functions that should be inlined. However, it seems this does not actually have any effect since user assemblies (i.e....
From: > We could implement SciMark 2.0 to test the various versions of our library and compare them. Perhaps even with respect to other libraries that are out there....
A section in the docs for those with a background in NumPy, R or MATLAB with examples on what common code elements of these environments translate to in Math.NET Numerics...
We have both a C# and F# sample projects that are also distributed as NuGet packages. However, the samples have not really been maintained for a while: - We should...
From: > As I am not familiar with preconditioning: is there any guide, when to use what preconditioner with a specific solver? Or when to use preconditioning at all?...
There are currently 3 test cases of `SkewnessConsistentWithR_e1071` in `RunningStatisticsTests` commented out. They compare the skewness of our `RunningStatistics` with the `e1071` R-package on a synthetic NIST dataset designed to...