Same problem here with version 2.0.7 when I try to apply the `Widget.MaterialComponents.Button` style: ``` ``` In `Utils.parseGradientDrawable` the drawable is a RippleDrawable, so the `else` branch of the `when`...
Hi, Any news on how to achieve zooming + panning on a double tap? Thanks, Christophe
When I run the gradle task desktop:packageReleaseUberJarForCurrentOS on my MacOS arm64, I'm unable to run the jar on a Windows machine. I guess the problem is the same on a...
Oh ok, I had to modify this in my build.gradle.kts: ``` implementation(compose.desktop.currentOs) ``` to ``` implementation(compose.desktop.macos_arm64) implementation(compose.desktop.windows_x64) implementation(compose.desktop.linux_x64) ``` Now it's working fine
> Do you have any test clips containing teletext subtitles that you could add to this PR? We could use them in: > > * [`TsExtractorTest`]( to ensure the track...
@wazerstar sorry no, I didn't have time to check on this.
Same problem here with version 0.187.1