Chris Dobbyn

Results 15 comments of Chris Dobbyn

Very useful indeed. This is management overhead that's unnecessary. newrelic monitoring.

For others whom may come here, you can upgrade this existing resource to opensearch by changing you version to: `OpenSearch_1.3`. Obviously using the new terraform resource would be ideal, but...

At the very least allow for pages to be created as a separate resource. But ideally each widget could be it's own resource as well. For a complex dashboard this...

Ya I just noticed this issue. Will re-review.

I hope this helps someone. I struggled with this for a while. As long as you're using your own EC2 worker nodes you have access to modify the kubelet args...

This same problem exists for dashboards as well.

Anyone know the status on this @Raffo @seanmalloy @njuettner? Thanks @sylr.

Not sure why but adding this to our service while using your latest image didn't work @sylr. The aws load balancer controller did update it appropriately to be dualstack to...

@tabern if the aws-vpc-cni could match the output from the helm deployed aws-vpc-cni a lot of people would no longer be seeking this. It requires annotations and labels to be...