rpccert and rpckey are still referenced but it looks like these might be useful in the auth story if we choose TLS as noted in #1893 Any context on the...
It seems like TLS might be preferred however we'll need to deal with certificate generation. Does this already exist or is documented anywhere? Otherwise we'll need to provide details around...
Items discussed in dev chat: - There are two different types of gRPC 1. P2p: is a gRCP server for internodes communication 2. rpcServer: is for gRCP miner, wallet and...
Following up with an example to clarify: both -h and --help flags trigger error parsing behavior. Ubuntu: 20 ``` kaspactl -h error parsing command-line arguments: Usage: kaspactl kaspactl [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]...
Cool. I was just thinking of a Python client, but client dev likely won't want to begin until the protocol/API is in a near stable point. I like the idea...
If you have a local instance of Python you can run the app. It's not just client side, you'll need to have Python installed to be able to run the...