Monico Moreno
Monico Moreno
hi, @ashleygwilliams , yes, of course! ...and yes, I already have my Node Interactive ticket :-) Incidentally, I might actually know some of the NT organizers that you are onboarding...
@ashleygwilliams, I'm looking forward to hearing from local organizers. 👍 /cc @hackygolucky
hi, @ashleygwilliams I never hear back from anyone :-( @mikeal, @hackygolucky, any ideas? Would love to be involved in this! :-D
Thx, @ashleygwilliams, @patriciarealini Will be emailing here in a bit.
i am now working with patricia on nodetogether! 👍 but, @mikeal, @ashleygwilliams, whom do I contact to bring Node.js Live to Austin, TX? We have Node Interactive already this coming...
@mikeal > @cdnadmin we aren't doing a Node.js Live there because we are doing Node.js Interactive :) agree; but, what about next year tho? :-)
@hackygolucky > As for Austin overall, we'd love to be able to see a NodeSchool in Austin during Node Interactive and have been talking about doing one with the organizer...
Btw, given #3, I didn't want to commit all the html files that the build.js script built. Not sure where you guys/gals are with that. So, left it alone for...