
Results 12 comments of cdk222

I have the same issue. These entities do not exist in settings\entities after searching for disabled\hidden\unavailable etc. I simply cannot find where to delete them. Unfortunately they are no clogging...

Hi Danch99 Are you able to share your node red flow?

Hi Royto - did you get chance to look at this for entries with a duration less than a certain value. Or could you point me in the right direction...

I think a minimal_duration duration in seconds is defiantly the way to go. Allows users to cut out the noise when controllers drop wifi, or something (power reset) that turns...

In my config I am ignoring "off" and "unavailable" so they are not shown in the above example. Not sure I understand " If same state before and after ..."

I see what you are saying. For example 1 and 3, I think it depends on how you use the hiddenState variable. Im not sure how you would tie a...

hmmm Id agree with per state for the increased flexibility

Thanks @ilyam8 - yeah its 128kb for all 3 of my ZFS Pools I use Netdata to feed into a dashboard so was hoping that i could access the 'used'...

zfs list _/mnt/naspool_ -H -o used This seems to be the command that does the job