It seems to me like a hard nut to crack... if not added to a specific role on site- or category level in Moodle, all logged in users are just...
Hi @danmarsden, how much money are we talking about? I have suggested to the Moodle Users Association that Dialogue should be funded by the MUA to become part of moodle...
This would be great @wmcmps ! A suggestion: When not wanting to exclude suspended users (for any reason) it could still be a good thing to have them "marked". Perhaps...
@wmcmps yes! Or perhaps just "Show (in italics)" and "Do not show"? The italics wouldn't hurt anyone not needing the info :)
This is asked for by our users as well. Last first is a more logical order for most them, but especially when there's a lot of messages in a dialogue...
Hi! (I'm not sure where my response went, I'll write a new) I was thinking the last courses that the user was added to. But, maybe last accessed would be...
Hi Gareth, I totally understand that. I need an approximate of the cost in order to get the funding. But I also need to know what a "cild theme" means...
Yes, I have the authority to request and approve a certain quote, but depending on the amount I need further authorization since this is not in my budget for 2016....