Carl Dehlin
Carl Dehlin
### System Information OpenCV python version: Operating System / Platform: Ubuntu 23.10 Python version: 3.10.14 ### Detailed description `findHomography` returns a bad homography and an inlier mask with outliers....
### System Information OpenCV python version: PyTorch version: 2.0.0+cu117 Operating System / Platform: Ubuntu 22.04 Python version: 3.10.6 ### Detailed description I have been having some issues with ONNX...
### System Information OpenCV python version: PyTorch version: 2.0.0+cu117 Operating System / Platform: Ubuntu 22.04 Python version: 3.10.6 ### Detailed description `torch.bmm` does not work when exported to ONNX...
## Description Updates the documentation with triaging guidelines. Documents the usage of labels, how to properly file a bug report and make a feature proposal. Also adds testing, improving docs...
I have cleaned up and added some structure for labeling issues. I have went through all open issues and categorized them. This is the resulting structure that I found helpful,...
As discussed in , there are cases where one want to check approximate equality of floats in ulps instead of relative error. This is useful to check that results...
CI is broken, no idea how long it has been in this state, but it should be fixed before any PRs touching code can be merged.