tianchen zhong
tianchen zhong
Meet the same issue.
The reason could be it could not find m4a because it has not been downloaded. If you spoke the same query again, it could play.
I don't know which version of plantUML is used in backend of gravizo now. PlantUML has new syntax for activity diagram. http://plantuml.com/activity-diagram-beta. I have tried the following code ``` @startuml...
Same here. It becomes ['['x']'] next time...
微信服务器在将用户的消息发给公众号的开发者服务器地址(开发者中心处配置)后,微信服务器在五秒内收不到响应会断掉连接,并且重新发起请求,总共重试三次,如果在调试中,发现用户无法收到响应的消息,可以检查是否消息处理超时。关于重试的消息排重,有msgid的消息推荐使用msgid排重。事件类型消息推荐使用FromUserName + CreateTime 排重。 https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/offiaccount/Message_Management/Passive_user_reply_message.html 我也遇到了同样的问题