**TO REPRODUCE THE ISSUE, FOLLOW THESE STEPS:** 1. Load osm map by raster-simple.yaml , 2. String pointStyle = "{ style: 'points', color: 'white', size: [50px, 50px], order: 2000, collide: false,...
result: no zh-CHS note on map in china when use MI 9 phone envi: android tangram-es-0.11.1 bug: when parse font.xml throw a exception , such xml node like below MiLanProVF.ttf...
**TO REPRODUCE THE ISSUE, FOLLOW THESE STEPS:** i want to produce polygon bitmap hatch fill,this is my yaml polygon style. styles: polygonfill: base: polygons material: diffuse: texture: img/timg.jpg mapping: planar...
I use Tangrames to display a map with 3D terrain. when zoom in,Some areas are blurry. debugging, I found that the parent tiles render on the child tiles.When all tiles...