I have both jre 1.7 and 1.8 installed when PyStanfordDependencies threw the JavaVersionError "jre has value 1.8 but 1.7 required" I edited the Windows registry to jre version 1.7 that...
OK - the program I run is (attached) If I have jre 1.8 set in the registry - note: the JAVA_HOME settings don't take, as well as the Control...
Some good ideas, thanks. On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 2:26 PM, David McClosky [email protected] wrote: > Hmm, sounds like having two different JREs on Windows is tricky. If it's...
One quick question that's probably obvious ;-) Why are you depending upon the Stanford jar? If you can take a parse tree and convert it into dependencies it seems that...
Thanks, and thanks again for contributing something useful to the community! On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 2:44 PM, David McClosky [email protected] wrote: > It's a good question. PyStanfordDependencies doesn't...