Clément Creusat

Results 6 comments of Clément Creusat

Hello, same issue here 👋🏼 ``` Node : 18.16.1 OS : darwin-arm64 pnpm : 8.8.0 nx (global) : 18.1.2 nx : 18.1.2 @nx/js : 18.1.2 @nx/eslint : 18.1.2 @nx/workspace :...

hey @gperdomor @AgentEnder If I want to copy the `package.json` to the output directory, I need to add this to `project.json` ``` "targets": { "build": { "executor": "@nx/vite:build", "outputs": [...

It looks like `nx g @nx/react` doesn't work correctly with `publishable` argument. The same but with `@nx/js` to generate a publishable lib works fine and adds the lib to the...

Hi guys, Hi @sujjeee Just discovering `dub` :) About the library, are you looking for a typescript lib like a BFF or data layer to connect dub's APIs? If so,...