class Net(nn.Module): def __init__(self, aff_classes=36): super(Net, self).__init__() self.aff_classes = aff_classes = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1) self.gmp = nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d(1) # --- hyper-parameters --- # self.aff_cam_thd = 0.6 self.part_iou_thd = 0.6 self.cel_margin = 0.5...
When I python -m scripts.interpolate dir=docs/demo_inter,it raised FileNotFoundError while the other two code works well.and by the way,could you please make the code that generates heatmap from affordance public?
In the preprocessing stage,I met an error: rm: cannot remove 'data/hoi4d/HOI4D_release/ZY20210800004/H4/C14/N21/S174/s02/T1/align_frames/*': No such file or directory rm -r data/hoi4d/HOI4D_release/ZY20210800004/H4/C14/N21/S174/s02/T1/align_frames/* rm: cannot remove 'data/hoi4d/HOI4D_release/ZY20210800004/H4/C14/N21/S174/s02/T1/align_frames/*': No such file or directory my dataset...
When I try to run demo:python -m scripts.interpolate dir=docs/demo_inter,it raised a FileNotFoundError,FileNotFoundError: No such file: '/home/chen/Projects/affordance_diffusion/docs/demo_inter/inter/superres/0000_01_s0_00_s0.png'
When python --data_dir data/ --save_dir output/ --inpaint(I put HOI4D_release and HOI4D_annotatinos dataset under data folder),an error:No such file or directory:data/HOI4D_release/ZY20210800001/.../align_frames/xxx.png,do you how to rectify this?
Hello, I have a question about DINOv2. Could you please help me?I instantiated a vit_small ViT model and tried to load the pretrained weights using the load_pretrained_weights function from utils....
Hello, I have a question about how to use DINOv2. Could you please help me?I instantiated a vit_small ViT model and tried to load the pretrained weights using the load_pretrained_weights...