
Results 106 comments of 864907600cc

Yes, that's what it should work. But it'll meet the problems mentioned in https://github.com/ccloli/E-Hentai-Downloader/issues/57#issuecomment-303384912. In short, how to process a downloading image or failed image if other images are suceed?...

Sorry I don't get the point. The script is preferred to download original images by default, and if it fails, you can choose to cancel the downloading or retry the...

Hi, sorry for the late reply as I forgot it until I checked the issue list. Yes, it's simple and easy to do it, however some galleries maybe have many...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8115912/48664401-153e3000-ead9-11e8-8fbf-391283e1cd93.png) 在 Chrome 最新版本下,將 Tab 切換至背景後,Chrome 確實指示該 Tab 正在播放音樂,所以播放音樂是沒有問題的。 但是嘗試在 Console 上每隔 100ms 輸出一次時間差,結果顯示有時候時間差是 100ms,有時候則會停留比較長的時間,可以理解為第一個 100ms 開始計時至該較長時間差結束的時間總和大約是 1000-1200ms。所以該功能雖然還能部分正常運行(至少 Tab 在背景時還是會更新下載進度的,最後也會給出 zip 檔),但是還是不可避免地被 Chrome 優化掉了。 根據之前的討論(#65 & #72),當時能繞過 Chrome 效能優化的方式目前只找到兩種,一種是播放媒體文件欺騙 Chrome...

这部分的逻辑一直有些问题,持续了好几个版本了,也尝试修正过,不过好像一直存在,如果是 Chrome + Tampermonkey 的话,怀疑是 Tampermonkey 自己自作主张地处理 ArrayBuffer 数据导致浏览器卡顿才这样的,有时间我再看看吧。遇到这样的问题时可以暂时尝试鼠标悬浮到下载状态的窗口,然后最上面会出现一个强制下载的链接,先把已经下载的图片先保存了,然后检查没下载的文件,用 Pages Range 来下载那些失败的文件,本地合并一下吧。

额外的一些日志,出现在超出配额后继续请求,然后再次超出配额后,`FailedCount` 大于限制值而无法发起请求,暂时保存在这,有空再分析 [801632-9020d17b61.log](https://github.com/ccloli/E-Hentai-Downloader/files/1597434/801632-9020d17b61.log) [801632-9020d17b61.log](https://github.com/ccloli/E-Hentai-Downloader/files/1597435/801632-9020d17b61.log) ``` [EHD] Index > 1224 | RealIndex > 1224 | Name > bg340_01.png | RetryCount > 0 | DownloadedCount > 1215 | FetchCount > 10 |...

@DestinoAzell It's a bug in Tampermonkey itself. [Chrome optimized background tabs to improve performance](https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/03/background_tabs), but some asynchronous functions in Tampermonkey are also being optimized. For more information, see https://github.com/ccloli/E-Hentai-Downloader/issues/65#issuecomment-321157452 ....

1. Sorry the length of leading zero cannot be controlled by yourself, it counts the digits of the page length (or say if a gallery has 399 images, then the...

> It would be nice if it let us know how many resized and original sized images got downloaded, In fact, if you don't enable _force download resized images_, then...