
Results 106 comments of 864907600cc

Tested it just now, and it works as intended. As you set `Pages Range` to `2`, that means it'll only download page 2 only. Maybe you're not familiar this feature,...

Do you mean the page of gallery pages' thumbnail? If so, depending on your setting, normal thumbnail is 40 images per page by default, so you need to set pages...

@AbilityDamage checked that gallery just now, it seems that pages starting from 383, they're the same content of previous pages (page 383 = page 1, page 384 = page 2,...

@pafke2 The script doesn't support download queue, you have to open the tab one by one to download each of them, and there's no plan to support it. *** @Fadds...

如果日常訪問也存在問題,那麼多半是 ISP 本身和伺服器連接不佳,或者 E-Hentai 分配的圖片節點連接不佳導致的。 如果 EX 沒有問題的話,則可以直接在 EX 上下載 ,沒有必要做特殊處理。

如果 Console 裡沒有除了連接超時以外的錯誤的話,那麼不是腳本的問題。 E-Hentai 是一個類似於 P2P 的網站,圖片由運行 H@H 的節點提供,所以速度取決於你連接到這些節點的速度;如果是下載原始圖片,這些圖片一般是從歐洲的伺服器上獲取的。 基於你所在的地區與 ISP,連接到上述 H@H 節點與伺服器的速度差距可能會非常大,建議先使用可靠穩定的代理伺服器確認速度是否恢復正常。

由於總大小過大,將近 5 GB,所以只測試了前 30 張圖,正常下載沒有遇到問題,暫時排除是 bug 的可能性。 簡單看了下,這些圖片的原始文件都比較大,腳本默認是下載原始圖片的,因此會走歐洲的源服務器下載,如果你在東亞那麼速度很慢可能是正常現象,在不使用代理的情況下可能沒有太好的解決方法。 另外這個畫集太大了,腳本建議只下載 < 500MB 的畫集,即便使用 Pages Range 分區段下載,每天大概也只能下載 500MB,至少需要花費 10 天才能下載完成,還不包括下載失敗導致額外額度消耗的情況。因此建議使用官方提供的 Torrent Download 功能,目前看下來最新版本是 2021-10-14 22:19 (4.52 GB),可以嘗試先用 torrent 下載最近的一個版本,然後再將剩餘的缺失文件使用腳本配合 Pages Range 下載。

Please try enabling _Settings_ -> _Advanced_ -> _Pass cookies manually when downloading images_ to see if that helps. I don't see that option in your outputed settings, this should fixes...

I noticed you're using an older version of Firefox, so maybe it's because the extension doesn't compatible with the old version. Have you ever tried other extensions like GreaseMonkey and...

If it comes to NetworkError, then there is nothing I can do with that. The error seems from the browser or extension itself, since I don't see the log from...