Chris Hapgood

Results 17 issues of Chris Hapgood

``` (render "{{hotels.tripadvisor.popularity-rank}}" {:hotels {:tripadvisor {:popularity-rank 12}}}) =>"12" ``` But ``` (render "{{#hotels}}{{tripadvisor.popularity-rank}}{{/hotels}}" {:hotels [{:tripadvisor {:popularity-rank 12}}]}) => "" ```

It would be nice to have an implmentation for logback -it seems to be a popular implementation for slf4j.

If I programmatically call set-logger! with a run-time determined argument, it's not possible to configure the root logger since the (keyword? logger) function has already been evaluated. The (keyword? logger)...

The documentation section on appenders seems to mix the logger terminology up. Is it appenders or loggers that get names assigned by this lib? What if you pass in an...

Files are preferable to env vars for conveying sensitive data into the container. This PR uses the convention that if env var `X_FILE` is present and it references a file...

As a general rule, storing secrets in the environment is not recommended ([see this]( or [this]( Docker's [solution for compose]( sources secrets from several places (swarm, file, AWS Secrets Manager,...

A uri that includes encoded characters must be matched un-decoded. While this is is possible, it is hardly ideal. An example request ``` {:server-port 80, :server-name "localhost", :remote-addr "localhost", :uri...

Why does this not work? ``` (bidi/match-route ["/" {[[#"-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?" :lat] "%7C" [#"-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?" :lng] "%7C" [#"[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?" :radius]] {"/b" :geo}}] "/38.0%7C-78.5%7C10.0/b") => {:route-params {:lat "38.0", :lng "%7C", :radius ".5"}, :handler :geo} ```...

Is there are reasonable way using liberator resources to incrementally validate [hierarchical URIs]( Regardless of the HTTP and other attributes of the HTTP request, if the parent resources don't exist...


This is an awesome tool -thanks for releasing it. A valuable enhancement would be to provide a page that aggregates stats across multiple (all, selected, grouped) projects.