August "Gus" Mueller

Results 122 comments of August "Gus" Mueller

I've been meaning to check out psd.rb to see what it does that FMPSD doesn't, and steal the heck out of it. Pieter is free to take the classes and...

As far as it being JSC - that was my initial reaction as well, but I can't get the bug to happen in Apple's Script Editor, so they must be...

Are you creating the CocoaScript instances, or is this something that Sketch is handing off to you?

I'm not sure what would be causing it off the top of my head. You might ping the sketch folks.

Once I get FMDB going back upstream to CocoaPods, I'll make sure to get this included.

@stephanheilner - can you quickly review this (since you seem to use cocoa pods) and let me know if it looks OK?

So everyone is happy with this now? All I need to do is commit it?

That's where the memory is being allocated. What you do with that memory after the fact, is up to you to figure out. Are you holding on to the result...

I'll need a complete reproducible case to be able to narrow it down. If you can submit a sample mac app with the memory leak, I can take a look.

> @ccgus same issue I still need a sample showing this as a Mac app.