Carlos Fontes

Results 20 issues of Carlos Fontes

deps.edn: ```clj {:aliases {:test {:extra-paths ["test"] :extra-deps {olical/cljs-test-runner {:mvn/version "3.8.0"}} :main-opts ["-m" "cljs-test-runner.main" "-c" "test.cljs.edn"]}} ``` test.cljs.edn: ```clj {:optimizations :none :pretty-print false :closure-defines {goog.DEBUG true}} ``` Works with `:simple` optimizations....

I use `lein-oneoff` whenever I want to run a program as a script from a local collection of util scripts that belong to a project. I think this use case...

Will there by a version of `map`/`filter`/`reduce` for returning persistent (and hopefully lazy) data structures?

When running `lein repl` followed by Austin, will have to `lein cljsbuild clean` before `lein cljx once` to be able to have new code changes available in the cljs repl....

Say I use `wrap-ssl-redirect` for the case the user loads a website using http to get him redirected to the https version. I also use `wrap-hsts` for the second time...

Leaving some notes about my experience in the hope it's useful to someone: - mongodb version that works: 5.0 (6.0 doesn't work). Then don't forget to set the env (here,...

Dynamic load of movies through `videojs` does not work with this plugin. Do you plan to support that? Thanks.


I call `lein midje` from a `pre-commit` hook, and rely on the command exit status to proceed or abandon commit. Yet, when all tests succeed but there is some kind...
