Ceyda Cinarel (재이다)
Ceyda Cinarel (재이다)
I have added the option to also get the results as a json formatted string from the websocket by setting `ws.send_str('json')`. json is more convenient for consuming in other applications,...
https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/issues/3769#issuecomment-1167146126 doing `.add_column("x",x_data)` also removed any `_indexes` on the dataset, decided this shouldn't be the case. This was because `add_column` was creating a new `Dataset(...)` and wasn't possible to pass...
I'm searching for an image server and currently stuck deciding between thumbor & imgproxy. Leaning towards imgproxy, because of advertised speed benefits. But I like that thumbor has docker-compose ready...
Added option to skip encoding by passing `re_encode=False`. this also bypasses ffmpeg requirement if the files are already in this format. Use case: I already had files in .wav format...
If running kernel gateway as root, launching local python kernels launches them as root! - This PR enables user impersonation for LocalProcessProxy kernels. User information is extracted from KERNEL_USERNAME env...
Are there any plans to support singularity containers? ...maybe it is already possible to use singularity containers along with the Kubernetes integration, has anyone tried this? I'm currently trying to...
I was looking/running the yolos notebook but: `from datasets import get_coco_api_from_dataset` is not found. I searched 'datasets' source but wasn't on main yet, which branch is this on or in...
I'm trying to add mixed precision training support. I'm newbie at this~ What I have figured out so far is the `upfirdn2d` & `fused` modules are compiled at runtime. I...
stuff to check before update: https://github.com/pytorch/serve/pull/1421 https://github.com/pytorch/serve/blob/master/docs/request_envelopes.md
https://github.com/cceyda/torchserve-dashboard/issues/9 Just some brainstorming on how inference might work...