Christopher Coverdale
Christopher Coverdale
Hi Guys, Thank you for the wiki, it's been extremely informative and helpful. I just had a question about making HTTP requests to APIs. From the FAQ it states that...
Experiment with a redesign before building further: - Split into smaller crates - no_std
Refactor the Peer struct by removing the cached `SetupConnection` in the struct, different devices may want to cache different messages relevant to them on sending their initial message for a...
Redesign the message handler traits per device. This may lead to devices implementing multiple traits that may have repeated message handling, in that case the trait function would call the...
* Look at refactoring the NoiseSession type into a Trait Implementation, this should define common interface functions to allow an experimental branch using or an audited rust noise framework...
Update examples using the new changes from the lib
* Benchmark the current der/ser for the Message struct * Update the bytes payload to use lifetimes linked to the struct
Add MessageHandler Traits to a network module in the library: - [x] `MessageHandler` - Deframe bytes, switch on the deframed message and delegate to handlers for each message type -...