Can we just generally set `ImageResolution` to the resolution found in `SystemInformation["Devices"]`? Is the resolution found in `SystemInformation["Devices"]` correct for your system?
Personally, I am not too hot about adding `SVG`, or some complicated command system, design-wise. My inclination is to just check `SystemInformation["Devices"]`, and if we see a higher resolution than...
> Hi @cc-wr , could you elaborate on why you do not recommend SVG? @kenkangxgwe, basically for the reasons @szhorvat mentioned. Also, my understanding is that exporting to `SVG` is...
Should any additional discussion occur here? If not, I will just create a pull request for my suggestion, and open it up for voting.
This seems like a general issue with `jupyter-console` when it is used with `jupyter-client` 7.0+. I got the same issue when I tried the IPython kernel on the console with...
This is being developed in #46.
Also see some initial discussion in #45.
I agree with having `WolframLanguageForJupyter` apply `$PreRead` (if it is set) to the input, and letting any sub-`ToExpression`s do what they want. > * **Optionally** there could be a **`$JupyterPreRead`**...
Currently, `$PreRead` is applied once, in a manner that I think is sufficient, at this location:
#46 should support: * `$PreRead` * `$Pre` * `$Post` * `$PrePrint` I think this is a good stopping point for that pull request, with further additions to be made in...