It seems that's a duplicate of that has been fixed in 2.9.11, please upgrade!
It seems that 2.0.0 was released occasionally, while 1.2.0 is the right version. At least, this URL shows that 2.0.0 has no difference with previous version 0.4.2, while version 1.2.0...
IMO, there should not be awaiter for es2019 target. In fact, svelte-preprocess hardcodes ts target to es6, but even in this case ts should output plain async/await without tslib generator...
@jknack with Kotlin coroutines it would be easy to guarantee the execution pipeline. Otheriwse, it's hard to control things like transactions. The transaction handling example in the docs don't work...
It seems that the dictionary is updated, but there is no way to clear the `lookupCache`, so _() returns old values
Vitest is also about 2-3x slower than @web/test-runner on the same project. But also, it reports the time incorrectly: when it says that tests ran for 7 seconds, the `time`...
This issue is a stopper to start using lambdas in Play Framework 1.3
As a side note, talking to developers, it seems that everybody has gotten this problem in production at some point, and everybody had to spend time investigating why OCSP suddenly...
Unfortunately, it is not possible to set proxy for everything except TSL, e.g. ```setHttpProxyHostFor(TSL, "")``` has no effect if "global" proxy is already set, but it should accept either blank...
But the original problem remains: if TSL proxy is set (both http & https), it doesn't use the httpProxyUser/httpProxyPassword, so all requests result in 407 responses